Microsoft plans to release WinMob 6.5
Thursday, August 20, 2009
According to a recent report Microsoft has plans to release Windows Mobile 6.5 version right now. Though, after it releases Windows Mobile 7 next year, it will keep selling old 6.5 version as a discount Operating System. Microsoft has been falling behind in smart phone Operating System market share. This is newer approach make gains.
More features about Microsoft will continue to offer Windows Mobile 6.5 even after it releases Window Mobile 7 next year.
According to Gartner Microsoft has been behind in market share steadily in the mobile operating systems market. He added that Microsoft really resorts to a dual-OS strategy Download Free eBook. This is the Edge of Success i.e. Building Blocks to Double Your Sales to try to turn the tide.
In a related growth, Microsoft has told application developers or engineers they can set their own prices for apps on its app store when that opens later this year and they are expecting high.